The Athens Cemetery is maintained by the Athens Cemetery Association, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to maintain and preserve our historic cemetery. The Board of Directors of the Athens Cemetery Association are dedicated to being good stewards of the funds provided to see that the cemetery remains a beautiful sanctuary for reflection, meditation, and a celebration of past and future generations.
Costs to maintain the cemetery are ongoing and continue to increase. Likewise, the cemetery is self-supporting and does not receive financial support from the City of Athens nor Henderson County. This challenge is being met through lot sales, interments, special donations, and planned giving arrangements.
The Cemetery has been blessed to have the financial support of special individual donors known as the Friends of the Cemetery. Contributions made by this Friends Group are used in the general maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery. Additionally, there are special beautification projects that are not supported by the annual budget that this group of Friends support directly. We are forever grateful to these individuals and the assistance they have provided throughout the years. For more about our Friends Group, please click HERE.